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Flickers and Flares

1 March 2025
Astronomy, Electric Universe, Electromagnetism

At https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2025/02/250218113650.htm … the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way galaxy flickers and flares – constantly bubbling with light. This discovery came about after investigators used data from the James Webb space telescope. A NW University led team of astrophysicists  has gained a long and detailed glimpse of the black hole event horizon, the zone around what is thought to be a black hole. It is thought to be composed of dust and gases, a constant stream of flaring material without any apparent period of rest. Some of the flares are more or less flickers. Others are blindingly bright eruptions. See also https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/ada88b

This apears to be a game changer. Yusuf-Zadeh and co-authors admit they do not fully understand what is going on, but they do recognise it has distinct similarities to what is going on, at a lesser level, on our Sun. This is exciting stuff – and has  distinct repercussions for the electric universe idea. Yusuf-Zadeh goes on to say, turbulent fluctuations within the event horizon disk can compress plasma, an electrically charged gas, to cause a burst of radiation. Yusuf-Zadeh likens the event to a solar flare. Of course, the processes are more dramatic, he continues, because the region around the black hole is much more energetic, and extreme, than our Sun. He points out the Sun’s surface also bubbles with activity. As per the current mainstream view of what it going on with the Sun he attributes the event horizon disk flaring as a result of magnetic reconnection events. An electric reconnection, he adds.

Time for the electric universe people to drop the Saturn scenario and concentrate on the solar system as it is. Not what it might have been.

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